Board of Directors Approved April 4, 2002
March 7, 2002


Present: Koch, Gemmer, Anthony, Fell, Frisbie, Olsen, LaVrar, Brooks, Varady, French, Capozzo, Sottana
Ex-Officio: Chesarek
Excused: Bardizbanian

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of February 7, 2002

Olsen motioned to approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report Accepted

Membership Sales and Notations
Prospective Members Michael & Katherine Myers: Anthony motioned to approve, LaVrar seconded. The motion carried.
The Board took note of two Notices in the reduction of selling prices and one Notice To Sell. All will be effective March 8, 2002.


Green: Aeration and sand trap programs are in progress. A golf course architect has been consulted for various concerns around the course. A report will be provided at a later date.
The Board would like the damaged Oak tree on #1 to remain on the course as long as possible and the Board is requiring a second opinion prior to the removal of the Oak tree on #1 and the Valley Oak tree on #14.
A discussion was held on the re-designed bunkers on #4 and #7 regarding the way they surround the green creating a more difficult level of play. The Board is requesting the reasoning for the design of the bunkers.

Golf: See motions section.

House: The March meeting was an informal meeting to re-arrange pictures in the Ballroom. The Committee discussed repainting the lower walls of the ballroom a color of green. At the Board meeting, French reported that his contact for refinishing the patio furniture will call the Club in the near future for arrangements.

Tennis: The tennis calendar of events has been distributed to tennis members. The events offered have a member, non-member fee structure. (GM discretion on who pays printing fees).

Membership: The committee recommends prospective member Michael and Katherine Myers for membership. The committee would like Board approval to host a wine and hors d'oeuvres party for prospective members on Sunday, April 28 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The committee has requested mailing labels for a specific area within Green Valley from Olsen. Anthony motioned to authorize up to $1,000 for the event. Olsen seconded. The motion carried. The Board is encouraged to attend.

F&B/Social: No meeting.

Pool: The committee would like music at the pool on Friday evenings. Williams and French met with Pinguelo to discuss options and costs for the completion of the Fitness Facility. Pinguelo will prepare a report for the committee subject to Board agreement. The committee is requesting Board approval to proceed with researching options to complete the Fitness Facility with C.I.F funds versus the Master Plan program. They do not wish to continue with the research and report if there is no interest from the Board to use the C.I.F. The Board is interested in seeing the report.

New Procedure For Committee Projects
The Board of Directors asked that all committees submit a plan for Board approval prior to implementation of any project that will change the course or facilities.


Golf Committee: The committee has recommended to increase the 2003 outside tournament green fee to $120.00 per person. This is a $10.00 increase. Anthony motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

Member Suggestion: A member suggested at a committee meeting that the Club have a picture taken of each member and placed in an accessible area in an effort to assist members in recognizing one another. LaVrar motioned to decline, Varady seconded. The motion carried to decline the request.

Member correspondence: A member requested that his minimum spending be rolled over for the next two quarters due to illness. After a lengthy discussion Brooks motioned to decline, French seconded. The motion was declined due to the Board receiving several requests to waive or roll over the minimum charge for various reasons and they do not wish to set a precedence.

Member correspondence: A member requested that his minimum spending be rolled over to the next quarter due to reservation restraints in December. Varady motioned to decline, French seconded. The motion carried to decline the request due to the Board receiving several requests to waive or roll over the minimum charge for various reasons and they do not wish to set a precedence.

New Year's Eve incident: Due to a letter of complaint regarding a verbal dispute between a member and a member's guest, Capozzo investigated the incident and reported to the Board of Directors. The Board is satisfied with the report and will respond to the offending member with a letter.

UC Berkeley Women's Golf: Pelkan requested a foursome of golf including carts as an auction item for their charity golf event May 1, 2002. Due to Pelkan's Club involvement and her daughter attending Cal Berkeley, Anthony motioned to approve as this is a "grandfathered" donation, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

Notre Dame School: Fadden requested a foursome of golf including carts as an auction item for their charity event May 18, 2002. Anthony motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. After further discussion, the motion was declined.

Transfer Fee To A Son or Daughter: Tabled.

Minimum Selling Price: Anthony motioned that the minimum selling price not be adjusted at this time. LaVrar seconded. The motion carried. One opposed.

Club Property Lines: Olsen presented a grant of easement to the Board to establish an easement on the Whitlock/Club property line. Varady motioned to approve the grant with a modification (provisions regarding demolition) to be sent to Whitlock. Anthony seconded. The motion carried yes 6/no 2. One abstention.

Old & New Business

Quarterly Minimum Spending: The Club surveyed NEB clubs to determine how often food service was available to their members. The survey results will be available to the finance committee for consideration to the 2003 operational budget.

Solano Irrigation District (SID): Frisbie reported to the Board on a meeting the Club had with SID regarding the Club's future water supply, upgrading the current irrigation system and the preliminary costs involved. Future meetings will be scheduled.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Gemmer, Secretary

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